Gary W. Siebein
Gary W. Siebein, co-founder of Siebein Associates has over 40 years’ extensive experience in soundscape planning and design of communities and urban areas, acoustical design of exhibit and performance spaces, environmental noise and assessment, human and community response to noise, and developing instrumentation for the measurement, monitoring and analysis of sounds in communities in the ways in which they are heard by people.
Mr. Siebein has written 5 books, 26 book chapters and over 200 technical articles on many aspects of architectural and environmental acoustics. He has presented and published numerous invited papers on architectural and environmental acoustics at local, regional, national and international acoustics meetings. Gary is the 18th recipient of the prestigious Wallace Clement Sabine Medal in Architectural Acoustics from the Acoustical Society of America.
Professional Credentials + Affiliations
Professional Credentials:
Registered Architect, State of Florida #8846
Registered Architect, State of Georgia #RA014816
National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) #86214
Fellow, American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Fellow, Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
President, Florida Chapter Acoustical Society of America, (2006-2010) (1990-1999)
Member, National Council of Acoustical Consultants (NCAC)
Member, Institute of Noise Control Engineers (INCE)
Member, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
Member, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Master of Arts in Architecture | University of Florida, thesis in acoustics
Bachelor of Architecture | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
B.S. Building Science | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Gary’s career has had 3 major thrusts shown as the 3 sound waves below:
Professor of Architecture and Graduate Program Director in Architectural Acoustics (UF),
Director of the UF Acoustic Research Lab, and
Principal of Siebein Acoustic
As Principal of Siebein Acoustic, Gary seamlessly integrated his research into practical application in real-world buildings, used those experiences to further the study in his lab at UF, and provided a constant feedback loop between the 3.

Timeline of Gary W. Siebein's career.
Author / Contributing Author
Below is a sampling of the many publications authored and co-authored by Gary W. Siebein, FAIA, FASA.
Siebein, Gary W. "Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Life Safety Systems." The Registration Institute, Tallahassee, Florida: 1990, 206 pp.
Siebein, Gary W. "Pre-Design." The Registration Institute, Inc., Tallahassee, Florida: 1989, 75 pp.
Siebein, Gary W. "Construction Documents and Services." The Registration Institute, Tallahassee, Florida: 1988, 60 pp.
Siebein, Gary W. "A Brief Review of Architectural History." The Registration Institute, Inc., Tallahassee, Florida: 1988, 68 pp.
Siebein, Gary W. "Man, Technology and Environment: A Primer in the Environmental Technologies." Storter Press, Gainesville, Florida: 1985, 162 pp.
Siebein, Gary, W., “Acoustics of Worship Spaces.” A paper published by Rodgers Organ Company. 2003.
Siebein Gary W. "Field Measurements of Sound Pressure levels of Various Firearms." National Rifle Association, Washington, D.C.: August, 1993, 50 pp.
Siebein, Gary W. & Cervone, Richard P. “Listening to Buildings: Experiencing Concepts in Architectural Acoustics.” in Education Honors Monograph, J. Bilello, ed. American Institute of Architects, Washington, D.C.: 1992, pp. 10-20.
Siebein, Gary W. "Field Measurement of the Insertion Loss of Earth Berms." National Rifle Association, Washington, D.C.: June, 1991, 35 pp.
Siebein, Gary W. "A Preliminary Acoustical Analysis of Existing Indoor Firing Ranges." National Rifle Association, Washington, D.C.: February, 1990, 51 pp.
Siebein, Gary W. “Acoustical Modeling.” AIA Education Honors Monograph, J. Bilello, ed. American Institute of Architects, Washington, D.C.: 1988, pp 63-72.
Siebein, Gary W. "Project Design Phase Analysis Techniques for Predicting the Acoustical Qualities of Buildings." National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: August, 1986, 108 pp.
Siebein, Gary W., Gold, Martin, Siebein, Keely, Bensalem, Sara. “Environmental Technology for Architects.” Cognella Academic Publishing. 2023.
Siebein, Gary W., Siebein, Keely. “Soundscapes: Humans and Their Acoustic Environment.” Chapter 5: Architectural Soundscapes: Theories, Methods, and Practice. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Volume 76, Pp 119-156. ASA Press and Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-22779-0.
Siebein, Gary W., Siebein, Keely. "Natural Soundscapes: A Sonic Exploration of Ichetucknee Springs State Park." Siebein Publishing, Gainesville, Florida: 2022, 105 pp.
Siebein, Gary W. The Soundscape of Music Rehearsal and Education Facilities. “Rooms for the Learned Musician: A 20-Year Retrospective on the Acoustics of Music Education Facilities.” ASA Press and Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2021. Pp. 3-9.
Siebein, Gary W., Paek, Hyun G., Siebein, Keely M., Roa, Marylin. “The Soundscape of Twenty-First-Century Libraries.” Acoustics Today, Volume 16, Issue 4 | Winter 2020, pp 57-66. https://acousticstoday.org/issues/2020AT/Winter2020/index.html#p=57
Siebein, Gary W. NCAC Article on Bertram Kinzey and Interview with Sandra Murphy Pak. “Bertram Y. Kinzey Jr. Contributions and Influences on Current Research, Teaching and Design of the Architecture of Sound.” 2016. Pp. 1-6.
Siebein, Gary W. The Soundscape of Worship. Editor’s Preface. “Worship Space Acoustics: 3 Decades of Design.” 2016. Pp. 3-13.
Siebein, Gary W., Hyun G. Paek. “Worship Space Acoustics, 3 Decades of Design.” Calvary Chapel Melbourne, First United Methodist Church, Grace at Fort Clarke, Grace Lutheran Church, Hyde Park United Methodist Church, Palm Harbor United Methodist Church, Saint Agnes Catholic Church, St. Mark the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, St. Patrick Catholic Church, Williston Church of God. Acoustical Society of America. 2016, pp 117, 137, 147, 151, 173, 189, 219, 273, 277, 299 https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4939-3097-5
Siebein, Gary W. “Architectural Acoustics.” McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. 11th ed., vol. 2, 2012.
Siebein, Gary W., Paek, Hyun & Skelton, Reece. "Acoustical Design of Theatres for Drama Performance: 1985 - 2010." Constans Theatre, Hillsborough Community College Performing Arts Theater, Swisher Auditorium, Raymond James Theatre, and Lois Cowles Harrison Center for the Performing Arts were selected for inclusion. Acoustical Society of America, Melville, New York: 2010, pp 76, 84, 162, 252, 292.
Siebein, Gary W., & Kinzey, Bertram Y, Jr. Recent Developments and Trends for the Future, Chapter 6 of 6 in Cavanaugh, William C., ed. "Architectural Acoustics: Theory and Practice 2nd Edition." John Wiley and Sons, New York: 2009, pp 209-271. First Edition 1998.
Siebein, Gary W. “Architectural Acoustics.” McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. 10th ed., vol. 2, 2007, pp 166-172.
Siebein, Gary W., "Spaces of Worship: Another Quarter Century." St. Agnes Catholic Church, Grace Lutheran Church, Calvary Chapel, Hyde Park Methodist Church, and Palm Harbor Methodist Church were selected for inclusion. Acoustical Society of America. 2006.
Siebein, Gary W., Skorski, Edwin & Paek, Hyun. "Halls for Drama Performance." Catherine A. Hickman Theater, Swisher Auditorium, and The Players Theater, were selected for inclusion. Acoustical Society of America. 2005.
Siebein, Gary W., Paek, Hyun G., LoRang, Mark & McGinnes, Courtney. "Halls for Music Performance: Another Two Decades of Experience 1982-2002." Thompson Theatre, St. Petersburg College Music Center, and Charlotte Performing Arts Center were selected for inclusion. Acoustical Society of America, Melville, New York: 2003, pp 156, 222, 268.
Siebein, Gary W. “Ten Things Every Architect Should Know About Acoustics That Their Teachers Never Told Them.” Chapter 4 in Architectural Design Portable Handbook by Andy Pressman. McGraw Hill, New York: 2000, pp 371-391.
Siebein, Gary W., “Architectural Acoustics.” entry in the Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. McGraw-Hill, New York: 2000.
Siebein, Gary W. entitled “The Great Boston Fire of 1872.” An entry in the Encyclopedia on Natural Disasters. Salem Press, Pasadena, California: 2000.
Siebein, Gary W. entitled “The Oakland Hills Fire.” An entry in the Encyclopedia on Natural Disasters. Salem Press, Pasadena, California: 2000.”
Siebein, Gary W. “Fire.” A main entry in Encyclopedia on Natural Disasters. Salem Press, Pasadena, California: 2000.
Siebein, Gary W., & Kinzey, Bertram Y, Jr. "Recent Developments and Trends for the Future." Chapter 6 of 6 in Cavanaugh, William C., ed. Architectural Acoustics: Theory and Practice. John Wiley and Sons, New York: 1998. It has been favorably reviewed in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America by noted acoustician Chris Jaffe in May, 1999.
Bobenhausen, William & Siebein, Gary W. Siebein completed revision work on Chapter 6 “Silence-Men at Work: Control of the Sonic Environment” for the third edition of James Marston Fitch’s American Building: The Environmental Forces that Shaped It. Oxford University Press, New York: 1999, pp. 147-181.
Siebein, Gary W. Chapter 3 “Working with Specialty Consultants: An Acoustical Consultants Perspective.” An essay in The Fountainheadache by Andy Pressman. John Wiley and Sons: 1995, pp. 82-88.
Siebein, Gary W. “Sounds.” An essay in Architecture 101: A Guide to the Design Studio by Andy Pressman. John Wiley and Sons, New York: 1993.
Siebein, Gary W. “Edouard Benedictus and the Invention of Laminated Glass.” An essay in The Twentieth Century: Scientific Breakthroughs. Salem Press, Pasadena, California: 1993.
Siebein, Gary W. “Noise Control.” An essay in the Magill Survey of Science: Applied Science. Salem Press, Pasadena, California: 1992.
Shibley, Robert G., ed., et al. "Teaching Energy in Design: A Casebook of the Experiences of Twelve Schools of Architecture." Siebein, Gary W. with C. F. Morgan and P. E. Prugh performed the research for the University of Florida contribution. A.C.S.A., Washington, D.C.: 1983, pp. 9-11, 28, 38, 46.
Houseman, William ed., et al. "Architect Registration Examination Handbook." NCARB, 1735 New York Avenue, N.W., Suite 700, Washington, D.C.: 2006: 1983, pp. 6-7.