Nicolas Ospina
In his role as Acoustical Consultant, Nicolas has developed a niche for site noise and vibration surveys and analysis, HVAC analysis and developing software code to enhance acoustic analysis processes. He has extensive experience working on structural design projects and modeling. Additionally, he has expertise in finite element analysis and advanced analysis tools applicable to acoustical design. He has also worked processing and analyzing seismic signals for geological applications, as well as utilizing seismic signals for structural design and monitoring the structural health of buildings. Due to his research, he has developed a keen interest, knowledge and skills in acoustics and vibrations within structures.
As part of the Siebein Acoustic team, Nicolas utilizes his experience to take field measurements, analyze acoustical data, and conduct 3D computer model studies.
Research, Service and Awards
Structural Health Monitoring, Ductility of Shear Walls, Faculty of Engineering, UNAM, 2019
Attenuation of Seismic Wave and Site Effects for Cortical Earthquakes in the Andean Zone of Colombia, University of Quindío, 2016-2017
President, GEPSE (Post-Seismic Assessment Group for the Health of the Structures of Quindío), 2016-2018
Excellence Award for contribution to research, “S and P Wave Attenuation in the Subduction Zone of Western Colombia, 2017
Master of Civil Engineering | Florida International University
Bachelor of Civil Engineering | University of Quindío