American School Honduras
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
The design team wished to use local materials to reduce cost and time while constructing the new Auditorium and Music Suite. Acoustic systems in the building were ultimately constructed using earth to form the concrete building structure, local fiberglass for sound-isolating building assemblies and locally-sourced rubber to construct the isolated stage floor in the Auditorium. Due to the existing buildings located on site, Siebein Associates had to design creative acoustic interventions to provide adequate sound isolation between the existing buildings and the new structure.
For over 70 years, the American School of Tegucigalpa has provided an accredited college-preparatory educational program that culminates in a 4-year International Baccalaureate diploma. From pre-school through 12th grade, students from all nationalities are welcomed into the school, receiving a rigorous international educational program that allows students to graduate prepared to become responsible leaders and global citizens.
To promote and support continued student interest in arts in education, the school engaged Siebein Associates to provide acoustic design services for a 2-level, ultra-modern performing arts center with a 408 seat auditorium, 4 music practice rooms, 4 multi-purpose rooms and 2 traditional classrooms. The facility will be used for band practice, choir rehearsal, concerts, plays, musicals, guest speakers, ceremonies, forums, and many other cultural and educational events.
Siebein Associates provided comprehensive acoustical consulting services from design through construction, including a preliminary workshop and design charrette to discuss the goals and purposes of the facility, as well as extensive ongoing dialogues throughout the design and construction. Our consultants provided acoustic design and recommendations for acoustical finishes and sound isolation, MEP and HVAC recommendations, acoustical ceiling panels, drapes and doors, audio systems, and recommendations for acoustical finishes to isolate and reduce rainfall noise on the roof.
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